Emotional Overwhelm

Stress & Anxiety Reduction Program

There are many symptoms that can come with high stress and anxiety levels. Having a hard time sleeping, irrational anger, indecision, feeling lost and/or stuck, feelings of unworthiness, even behavioral abnormalities. There might be a sense of lack of confidence, feeling like an imposter, or self-sabotage.

Access and activate sustainable inner resources to better manage concern, worry, anxiety, and stress that are getting in the way of managing your business, your life, or your profession.

Drastically improve your ability to make decisions from a place of calmness and contemplation.

Stress and anxiety are the two main antagonists of clarity and progress. Business owners, managers, investors, parents – anyone who has to make many big decisions in short order – can be triggered by events and sabotaged by irrational thoughts and feelings.

Those thoughts and feelings – in particular, those like fear, anxiety, confusion, anger, worry, or self-doubt – can stymie performance, convolute decisions, and make life challenging.


Being able to manage thoughts and feelings effectively with an inner resource is the key to peace, productivity, and performance.

Reduce stress significantly and get crystal clear on the choices you make.

Master your feelings – master your life

Master your feelings


  • Regulate rising feelings of despair, paralysis, fear, worry, anger, or depression.
  • Turn your ability to manage your emotions into a skill to make better decisions.
  • Learn to take action, enjoy your life, and feel better about yourself and your choices.

With this program


This 6-week program is deeply customized to be highly effective for each individual. The core consists of 6 two-hour one-on-one consultations in person or on video conference. Results are reinforced by additional audio sessions, manuals, and check-ins.

To find out more and to explore if this is the right solution for you, set up a free phone consultation with Alan.

“Thanks to Alan, I am free of several gripping and life-threatening addictions, and I am now experiencing the sweetness of my life, expressing my love to others, and most importantly, loving myself .

I believe that Alan Barsky is a true healer and wise teacher. He guided me through a life-transforming series of hypnotherapy sessions that spiritually resurrected my self-image and instilled in me a new confidence and perspective on every aspect of my life. He put my train back on the track.”

Steve Wagner

Television Host/Producer, San Francisco

Contact Alan Barsky Now




Mill Valley, CA 94941


By Appointment Only

Copyright 2020 | Alan Barsky | HypnoTherapy Marin
Developed By: Lead Grow Thrive | www.NicolayKreidler.com